40 Assets
The 40 Developmental Assets Framework asks the question,
"What skills, experiences, relationships, values and behaviors
do youth need in their lives in order to THRIVE?' The
Framework, created by social science institution Search
Institute, identifies 40 building blocks of healthy youth
development that enable young people to grow into
successful and contributing adults. Data collected from Search Institute surveys of more than 4 million children and youth from all backgrounds and situations has consistently demonstrated that the more Developmental Assets young people acquire, the more likely they are to avoid risk behaviors, like substance use and violence and the more likely to become happy, healthy, and contributing members of their communities and society. And the good news is that everyone in a community has a role to play in building youth Assets. Simple actions can make a big difference in the lives of our young people!
Read about the 40 Assets HERE:

Want some Asset building ideas that show kids you care? Here are 150 Ways! (Many of which we know you already do!) Know that your efforts and intention make a difference!

Developmental Relationships
Young people are more likely to grow up successfully when they experience developmental relationships with important people in their lives. Developmental relationships are close connections through which young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. Search Institute has identified five elements—expressed in 20 specific actions—that make relationships powerful in young people’s lives.
Science of the Positive
Given the 24 hour news cycle, the relentless nature of our social media feeds, and access to information whenever, wherever and however we want it, it can often feel like we live in a frightening world, where dangers and problems seem overwhelming, particularly when focusing on the issues and risks that our youth are faced with daily. Here at Tri-Town Council, we are guided by the the Science of the Positive.. That sounds good, but what does that actually mean? It means that you can “change the lens” through which you view the world, and while acknowledging and addressing the concerns, GROW the positive by first recognizing where it exists and then, with intention, growing it. HOW? By shining a light on all the good, positive behaviors that exist en masse in any community.. Based upon this core assumption, that the positive is real and worth “growing” and fostering, in ourselves, our families, workplaces and our communities, it allows us to strengthen “protective factors” and grow the positive that already exists . (Jeff Linkenbach, Montana Institute 2007)