Tech Trends:
Screen Time, Digital Citizenship, Social Media

Bullying and Cyber Bullying
This is a no-nonsense video for parents of children from 5th grade through early high school. The topic is bullying - why, who is most likely, social media, smart phones, and techniques the average parent can use to detect and correct.
Meghan McCoy of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center does a fabulous job with this complex topic.

Real Parents, Real Talk About Kids And Screens
We live in a world of screens. And in this digital age — with so many devices and distraction — it's one of the things parents worry about most: How much time should their kids spend staring at their phones and computers? What's the right balance between privacy and self-discovery?

Are You a Distracted Parent?
In Highlights Magazine’s annual State of the Kid Survey, a nationally representative sample of 6- to 12- year olds were asked, “Are your parents ever distracted when you are trying to talk to them?” 62 percent of children said yes, and, when asked, “What distracts them?” - the most frequently mentioned distractor was cell phones (28%) followed by siblings (25%) and work (16%).

Apps to Help Keep Track of What Your Kids Are Doing Online
As kids become more independent, we want to foster their sense of responsibility and give them room to prove themselves. But it can be difficult to navigate this natural separation, especially when kids are doing who-knows-what on their devices.