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Enrichment Classes
Tri-Town Council's Horizons Program offers grade differentiated before & after school/weekend enrichment classes for Tri-Town youth. Most classes are geared toward grades K - 6. Babysitting classes are offered from grades 5 - 8.
Access class descriptions, schedule and fees by clicking button below to be redirected to class information and registration site.
Please note: Horizons offerings are open to ALL Tri-Town youth (public, private, and homeschooled). Kindly note grade levels in class descriptions.
Winter Programs!
SKI BRADFORD season starts in January for grades 3 - 8
Programs start week of January 6th
TUESDAYS for Middle School, Middleton and Topsfield
WEDNESDAYS for Boxford
Please note: Registration forms and payment due no later than Friday, November 15th.
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